seashore shop (aqua-fes 2019)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
808 height
808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
seashore shop (aqua-fes 2019)
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2019 8:20:29 GMT
shiv Avatar



"May hot battles rage on hot sands! The place for hot Trainers!"


THE SEASHORE SHOP is home to many battle-hungry trainers- and one peculiar challenge: the soda POP! the owner invites trainers to come in and shake the bottle for three seconds max. should the soda pop bottle explode after their shake, the owner rewards them. a curious inverse of tradition- if not entirely odd![break][break][break][break]


THE OBJECTIVE OF THIS GAME, contrary to real life, is to have the soda pop explode on your post. with every post, you must ROLL. the roll's value is important. should the value of the total amount of rolls exceed 300, the soda pop bottle will explode![break][break]

in other words, you must add the the roll numbers with each other to figure out if they will hit 300 or not. afterward, the count restarts from zero.[break][break][break]


  • feel free to write a post of your character resting, battling, eating, etc. in the seashore house rather than shaking the bottle.
  • you can post as many times as you'd like with any character.
  • if you have posted, you must wait for another player's character to post before you can post again on any of your other characters.
  • even if your character successfully has the soda pop explode, they are still allowed to post in the thread.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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seashore shop (aqua-fes 2019)
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2019 10:12:49 GMT
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Setting the cheap but moderately effective sunglasses upon his face, Bronze paid for the shades and raised a brow at the soda pop that was being proffered to him by the grinning proprietor, who urged, "Go on, give it a shake, lad! You never know, you might win the prize!"

Reflective, glossy black lenses regarded the bottle for a beat, then another, before Bronze shrugged and accepted it with a casual, "Sure, why not."[break][break]

He shook it perfunctorily for three full seconds, then set it down upon the counter again with an amiable, brief smile. [break][break]



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[newclass=.pwfCredit a]font:bold 7px roboto!important;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
seashore shop (aqua-fes 2019)
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2019 11:58:20 GMT
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"Really, Glaze. I don't know what you'd do in the wild." She gently scolds the whining slowpoke, who's pink seemed a few shades pinker and angrier after having fallen asleep on the beach. Despite her reprimanding, her eyes glisten with concern and her brows are knit just a bit tighter with empathy. Haplessly the hefty creature ambles behind his companion, nearly tripping over his own drooping tail as he drifts from left to right in a drunken zig-zag. [break][break]

For a brief moment, Rose feels bad enough that she considers picking him up and carrying him into the shop. 'No, no. That won't work. Ridiculous.' These sobered thoughts don't help to alleviate the sympathy she feels, though. "Come on, we'll get you comfortable." With a grumbling groan, Glaze picks up his pace, just a bit.[break][break]

Rose makes a beeline for the summertime lotions the moment they enter the shop. She's already in the target aisle by the time the door closed, tinging the little greeting bell as the door thumps shut. She plucks out a gel which reads "Sunburn Soother" and is preparing to pay when the almost unnervingly enthusiastic shopkeeper greets her. "Hee-llooo there, missy! Find everything you need?" Rose nods agreeably, putting the gel on display as if it's a game show prize. "Yes, thank you! Exactly what I was looking for."[break][break]

Rummaging through her purse, she procures payment and slides it across the counter. In the process of doing so, she notices a bottle of soda with a sign "SHAKE TO WIN!" It's curious enough to warrant questions. Idly she gestures towards the sign as the shopkeeper is getting change."So, what's this? You just... shake it?" For some reason, the keep seems delighted to have an opportunity to explain "Yes, yes! It's tradition! Three seconds, give it your best shot. May the fizz rain down on the favored of ya'!" With abandon, Rose picks up the bottle and tentatively starts shaking, becoming a bit more vigorous as the three seconds pass.[break][break]



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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seashore shop (aqua-fes 2019)
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2019 12:54:21 GMT
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Bryony holds the can with both hands, pale eyes transfixed on it with a sense of confusion and oncoming misery. She looks back to the man, his grin wide and eyes uncomfortably eager. His eyebrows waggle.

"Go on - give it a good shake."

Bryony forces a smile. She gives it a tiny shake. One. One entire shake. If it can even be called that.


TOTAL: 162
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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,586 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
seashore shop (aqua-fes 2019)
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2019 16:15:50 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"bry, just so you know, i'm disappointed at you."

shaking a soda pop for an unfortunate person who happens to take it was just inconsiderate, he shakes his head at bryony, hoping she understood how much her actions would affect others in a negative way. she was supposed to be the good kid too.

he takes the can and shakes it furiously a couple of times before setting it down again.

"you have to go all in on things like this, bry," he tells her once more.


total: 177

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
seashore shop (aqua-fes 2019)
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2019 18:07:31 GMT
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Lenora's a lady and ladies don't shake sodas only to end up covered in sticky sweet syrup. No, Lenora spends her time outside, catching a lovely tan on the waves. She is joined by her Illumise, who dons a pair of black sunglasses, and shares the beach towel next to her coordinator.

What a lovely day to not be stuck at Silph Co.


total 274
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,448 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
seashore shop (aqua-fes 2019)
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2019 18:11:05 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
priam comes in and shakes the can because he can. he only takes a few weak shakes before the can explodes on his face.


total: 309

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
seashore shop (aqua-fes 2019)
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2019 18:57:10 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

[attr="class","coveredhills-icon"][attr="class","lnr lnr-cloud"]


snow-covered hills

can i sail through the changing ocean tides?



#@ one

#@ two

#@ three



[attr="class","ch-p-2"]kyouya braviary


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]gabriel salamence


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]vincent riolu


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]carina ribombee


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]agni magmortar


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]marius lapras


Well, either he’d avoided an accident or he was about to walk into one again.[break][break]

He thought he heard something go ‘pop’ the moment he’d stepped in, and holy hell, there was someone who literally had a bottle of soda pop explode in their face.[break][break]

That’s going to be murder to rinse out, he thought with a cringe as he went to the counter to grab a few for himself—and the ‘time bomb’ (a.k.a. the bottle that was supposed to be shook) was replaced with a new one. Eyeing it leerily, he slides a few bills towards the shop keeper and picks it up, at the older man’s insistence.[break][break]

“Alright, alright, don’t blame me if it doesn’t explode, he says with a sigh, picking up the bottle and actually slapping the bottom of it and giving it a good, hard shake.[break][break]

It was like shaking ketchup out of a bottle, really.[break][break]

But then again this wasn’t ketchup, it was lemonade-flavored soda.[break][break]

Which meant that it was going to be extra-sticky to get out of someone’s hair, too. Yikes.[break][break]



word count: 179



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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seashore shop (aqua-fes 2019)
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2019 21:58:31 GMT
Deleted Avatar



[attr="class","silpl-lyric"]in lonely orbit

[attr="class","silpl-lyric1"]i watch the earth, spin into space, an infinite void


he's only here because visiting the seashore house is just tradition during the aqua-fes. fishel is chewing the inside of his cheek and wondering if the contempt he feels for the shoddy place with its plastic chairs and sticky floors is plain on his face. [break][break]

even the drink is too sweet and weirdly acidic and tastes mostly like chemicals to him. [break][break]

he wants to go home. [break][break]




carme the inkay




current total: 90

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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seashore shop (aqua-fes 2019)
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2019 9:42:08 GMT
Deleted Avatar





Bronze's eyebrows lifted, and the merchant nodded eagerly, gesturing expansively. "It's true, it's true! The bottle popped only recently, I swear it! Grand prizes were won, and it's only a matter of time before you, my friend, yes, you! Shake the soda into an explosive demise!"[break][break]

That sounded...Like a less than desirable outcome to Bronze. Sticky. Messy. Potentially hazardous with the bottle shards flying about at speed. Still...Prizes. [break][break]

He shrugged. "Yeah. Okay." Lifting the bottle again, he shook it with more effort this time, but to no avail.[break][break]

Current Total: 130[break][break]


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[newclass=.pwfCredit a]font:bold 7px roboto!important;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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seashore shop (aqua-fes 2019)
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2019 10:55:49 GMT
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Lenora gets up to go get a refreshment and finds herself delighted to see Fishel looking absolutely miserable. She's delighted to see Fishel, not to see him miserable, albeit both are equally appealing.

She makes her way to him and throws her arms around his neck, dropping her chin down on his head.

"Fishel! We ought to try the soda pop challenge, don't you think? It would be fun! We've never done it and we've been coming here every year for the longest time! You, more so than me."


total 212

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
seashore shop (aqua-fes 2019)
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2019 12:26:01 GMT
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Ok, she might not have won... "won", but that was fun. She enjoyed the anticipation. Other patrons partook, as well, and Rose eagerly watched. It was an unexpected surprise to find that she was interested, invested, in a seemingly ridiculous tradition. And yet, here she was.[break][break]

The bottle makes the rounds once more and Rose finds herself in possession of the fizzy drink. It's a new one, the previous one had exploded, but here they were again. Rose can't help herself and gives it a giddy shake, excited as a child on Christmas morning.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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seashore shop (aqua-fes 2019)
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2019 13:49:59 GMT
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Morgan slowly shook the contents of the bottle before escalating in his pace. He felt the tension rise up inside the shaft, and it would soon gush forth its foamy soda goodness.

Total: 338

The soda pop spews its contents, splurting outwards its geyser of sticky, sweet syrup all over morgan's face and chest. Morgan licks the corner of his lip for a taste. "Ugh... too sweet."
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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
seashore shop (aqua-fes 2019)
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2019 21:13:03 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

[attr="class","coveredhills-icon"][attr="class","lnr lnr-cloud"]


snow-covered hills

can i sail through the changing ocean tides?



#@ one

#@ two

#@ three



[attr="class","ch-p-2"]kyouya braviary


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]gabriel salamence


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]vincent riolu


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]carina ribombee


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]agni magmortar


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]marius lapras


The luck of the goddess was smiling down upon him.[break][break]

Maybe today wasn’t going to be the day he was going to be leaving the beach all coated in sticky soda.[break][break]

He heard the second bottle explode, and this time it drenched a dark-haired individual—oh, that would really take a lot of shampoo to get out of their hair! Cringing again, he then heard the clink as another bottle was taken out and placed on the counter.[break][break]

How long was this going to keep going, anyway? He could only take a guess, and sighed as he stood up, the first to take the bottle and shake it as hard as he could. Much tempted as he was to smash it over someone’s head, he decided not to—he was far too nice to do that![break][break]

He then watched as the contents began to fizz up once more before he set it down on the counter with much impunity.[break][break]

Was this like some kind of demented musical chairs he was playing with everyone else who came by here?[break][break]

Only time would tell.[break][break]



word count: 182



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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seashore shop (aqua-fes 2019)
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2019 0:21:35 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Because Inari is, at heart, a decent human being with self respect, he opts to not do this silly soda shaking thing. Hoenn is a strange, terrible place that only gets stranger by the day.

He'd be a liar if he didn't say it was amusing to watch others fall victim to the soda pop challenge. Eating a bowl of shaved ice, he peeks at the challengers from the corner of his eye.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP